Full Name | Phone | Practice |
Scott K. WIlson | 425-454-4901 | Family, Estate, Personal Injury, Eviction, Real Estate, and Contracts |
Eric Stoll | 206-456-6697 | Estate Planning and Probate, Business and Corporate Law, Business Disputes, Tax, Real Estate Transactions and Litigation |
Crystal Grace Rutherford | 206-715-9137 | Personal Injury and Real Estate |
Joseph Rockne | 206-297-1122 | Litigation, Real Estate, Neighbor Disputes and Mediation |
David Petteys | 206-456-6697 | Estate Planning and Probate, Business and Corporate Law, Tax, Business Disputes, Real Estate Transactions and Litigation |
Latife Neu | 206-297-6349 | Personal Bankruptcy, Real Estate, Civil Litigation |
Michael Kahrs | 206-264-0643 | Public Records Act, Post Conviction (habeas corpus), Civil Rights, False Imprisonment, Prison Law, State and Federal Courts |
Henry W. Grenley | 206-789-2511 | Estate Planning; Estate & Trust Administration & Litigation; General Litigation; Personal Injury |
Daniel A. S. Foe | 206-789-2511 | Civil Litigation |
Dan Fiorito | 206-299-1582 | DUI Defense, Personal Injury, Estate Planning, Civil Litigation |